A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence. 一种认为在等级森严的公司里,每个职员都想升到其无法胜任的位置的说法。
You can use the Drill Down button to go to the next level of exploration, that is, the statement level exploration. 可以使用DrillDown按钮进一步钻取到语句级。
These attributes affect the behavior of the statement level functions. 这些属性将影响语句级函数的行为。
The SQL statement will select and group on the Li's level keys to ensure that the query is at the correct level of detail for Di. SQL语句将按照Li的级键进行选择和分组,从而确保查询采用Di的正确细节级。
Validate data: Statement hooks let you validate parameter data before statement execution, providing the opportunity to do constraint check and data validation at the application level. 验证数据:通过语句钩子可以在执行语句之前验证参数数据,从而为应用程序级的约束检查和数据验证提供机会。
Then it uses the all-too-familiar switch statement to determine the error level and craft an error message appropriate to that level. 然后,它使用再熟悉不过的开关语句来决定错误等级并相应打造与该等级相适应的错误消息。
This article demonstrates that the statement level wins as the effective isolation level. 这篇文章演示了语句级别成功成为有效的隔离级别的情况。
In the initial SELECT statement, the level is fixed to1 and the name of manager Bauer is hardcoded in the WHERE clause, to predefine the starting point. 在起始SELECT语句中,级别固定为1,在WHERE子句中,会硬编码Bauer经理的姓名,以便预定义起始点。
In each statement, you can use the WITH clause to define a statement isolation level. 在各语句中,您可以使用WITH子句定义语句隔离级别。
The last level is the statement level. 最后一个级别是语句级别。
Information about all SQL statements executed before the lock-timeout event in the participating transactions, such as statement text, isolation level used, order of execution, and so on. 在参与事务中的锁超时事件前执行的所有SQL语句信息,如语句文本、使用的隔离级、执行顺序等等。
A recent enhancement to DB2 for i6.1 makes it possible to understand the optimizer use at the SQL statement level within the SQL Performance Monitor. DB2fori6.1最近的一个增强使得理解在SQL性能监视器中SQL语句级使用优化器成为可能。
Define the isolation level at the statement level by using the WITH clause. 在语句级别上,使用WITH子句定义隔离级别。
Isolation level is set at the session level using SET ISOLATION, set at the SQL statement level using the WITH clause or set at the database level using a Database Configuration parameter. 使用SETISOLATION在会话级、使用WITH子句在SQL语句级或使用数据库配置参数在数据库级设置隔离级别。
The RCTE and the final SELECT statement both return four columns, representing the level and the employee number of the subordinate and his name and finally the employee number of the direct manager. RCTE和终止SELECT语句都返回了4个列,分别是递归的层数、下属的雇员编号、直属经理的姓名以及直属经理的雇员编号。
The president, for the first time-and it's a very important statement at a kind of spiritual level-that we acknowledge that non-U.S. persons have privacy rights in the context of our overseas collection. 总统先生首次表示承认非美籍人士享有的隐私权,从某种精神层面上说,这在收集海外情报的背景下是非常重要的。
Experts said that although the statement recognized a need for change at the highest level of the organization, drafting concrete plans was harder and had only just begun. 专家们表示,虽然该声明认识到世卫组织高层需要进行改革,但制定具体计划会比较困难,一切只是刚刚开始。
I know some people may lambaste me for this statement, but in all honestly, there's a strong level of truth in that assumption. 我知道很多人会对我的这个论断嗤之以鼻,但是在过去的历史中,有过很多强有力的事实可以印证我的论断。
Assembler: A progamming language in which one mnemonic source statement is coded for each machine-level instruction. 汇编语言:一种编程语言,每一条助记符源语句都对应一条机器指令。
In computer programming, a statement in a high level language program to inform the translator that the end of the source program has been attained. 在计算机程序设计中,高级语言程序中的一种语句,用于通知翻译程序已到达源程序末端。
Depending on the project scope statement, the deliverables may be described at a summary level or in great detail. 对可交付成果可以概括,也可以详细说明,具体视项目范围说明书的情况而定。
It is difficult to step out of one's place in this hierarchy. A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence. 在这等级森严的社会中,想要跳出自己的阶层是不易的。一种认为在等级森严的公司里,每个职员都想升到其无法胜任的位置的说法。
A first statement for reporting bedwetting is recorded in the speech piece, and is triggered by the output level of a conducting type sensor connected with a first triggering end. 语音片中录制有报告尿床的第一语句,由与第一触发端连接的导电式传感器输出电平触发。
The 13-nation eurozone's ministers broke new ground this week with a statement that for the first time identified the renminbi's level as a greater source of concern to Europe than the level of the dollar or the Japanese yen. 欧元区13国部长上周取得了新的突破。他们首次发表声明,承认对欧洲而言,人民币汇率水平比美元兑日元汇率水平更令人担忧。
Lists the types of declared elements and shows for each one its declaration statement, in what context you can declare it, and its default access level. 列出已声明元素的类型,并显示每个已声明元素的声明语句、可以在什么上下文中声明它及其默认访问级别。
I have enclosed my resume as well as a bank statement of my current financial status and my English proficiency level. 我随信附上了我的个人简历以及表明我本人经济状况的银行证明和我的英语水平等级证书。
At the statement level, then running probability of the statements in run-time is discussed and the method of dependence analysis which concerning the running probability of statements is proposed. 在语句级别的依赖性分析中,本文还进一步讨论了程序执行期间语句执行的概率信息,并提出了考虑语句执行概率的依赖性分析方法。
Statement is one of the basic expressive functions on expression level of modern Chinese. 陈述是现代汉语表达层面的基本表达功能之一。
As the direct communication channel between bank and customer, statement means far more beyond the function for reconciliation. Statement somehow reflects the level of bank customer service. 而账单作为银行与客户之间沟通的直接渠道,其意义远远超出其本身的对账功能,在一定程度上反映了银行的客户管理水平。
At the same time, from the both aspects of income and expenditure, the present study anal size the statement of operation on expense of medical care, which offer evidence for adjusting the level of fund-raising. 同时从收、支两方面分析了医疗费用的运营情况,为调整筹资水平提供依据。